INSTANT Area Code is the easiest to use area code utility available for the Macintosh. Just hit the hot key of your choice, and the Instant Area Code program will jump into action. The second you type in the area code, the state (and/or cities) will appear. Hit return, enter, or Command Key-Q to exit back into the application you were working with.
No need to search on your hard drive for an Area Codes application. No need to wait for the application to launch. No need to use the mouse at all! One key does it all!
I'd like to thanks all my great beta testers for helping me out in ironing out all the bugs in INSTANT Area Code, and AMW for both beta testing and designing the INSTANT Area Code icon.
Just drag and drop the INSTANT Area Code CDEV into the System Folder. (If you’re using System 7, the Finder will ask you if you want to place it in the Control Panels Folder.)
Open the INSTANT Area Code CDEV by selecting Control Panels from the Apple Menu. Then, under System 7, double-click on the INSTANT Area Code CDEV. System 6 users should select the Instant Area Code CDEV from the Control Panel.
Now’s the time to set your hot key. Just click on the Select Hot Key button. When the dialog box comes up, just type the key combination of your choice. You can use the shift, option, control, and command keys along with any key on your keyboard--including the function keys, escape, arrows, help, home, page up, page down, forward delete, end, and the numeric keypad. When you are finished, click on the OK button. Then, close the Control Panel. Changes to your hot key will not take effect until you reboot, so you’ll need to reboot before you can use the hot key.
To invoke Instant Area Code, just hit the hot key you selected. Then, type in an area code. The state (and/or cities) will automatically appear. The area code will be selected as well, so that you can begin typing another area code immediately without deleting the old one. When you’re finished using Instant Area Code, hit return, enter, Command Key-Q or the Quit Button to go back to the application you were working with. It’s that easy!
If INSTANT Area Code cannot get needed resources into memory, it may beep or not show the dialog box at all. If this happens, try switching into a different application and hitting the hot key you set. If this doesn’t work, try setting your hot key again, or re-installing the INSTANT Area Code CDEV. If this doesn’t work, please give me a call so that I can help you out personally. My contact information can be found at the end of this document.
Instant Area Code is a shareware program, which means that it can be distributed freely. However, if you use Instant Area Code after the 30 day trial period, you must pay the small registration fee of only $9.95! When you register, I’ll send you the registered version of INSTANT Area Code along with the Neat Stuff! Disk, chock full of great shareware programs from Insanely Great Software like the System 7 pack! (4 Mice, MacUser Magazine!), the System 7 Companion Pack!, and Town Meeting.
If you do not register within the 30 day trial period, Instant Area Code will show a “nag” message each time you reboot regarding shareware registration. You can dismiss the dialog box by typing return or enter, or by clicking on the OK button. When you register, I’ll send you the registered version which removes this annoying dialog box.
Ordering is easy! We accept checks, money orders, Visa, and MasterCard! We’re open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. (Closed just isn't in our vocabulary!) You can order any of our products by phone (both toll-FREE and international lines), fax, mail, or email! Plus, we ship within 24 hours.
If you are interested in a site license for your organization, please contact Adam Stein of Insanely Great Software for more information. (Contact information can be found under technical support.)
For more information on our other products, please see the appropriate files in the Other IGS Products Folder.
Ordering by Mail:
To order by mail, print the order form (available in a separate TeachText file) and mail it to:
Adam Stein
Insanely Great Software
126 Calvert Ave. E.
Edison, NJ 08820
Checks or money orders should be made payable to INSANELY GREAT SOFTWARE.
Shipping on INSTANT Area Code mail orders is free! Add $5 per order (not per product) for all other products.
Ordering by Phone:
We’re open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for your convenience.
Call Insanely Great Software Toll-FREE at 800-368-5195.
International users should call 303-872-8651.
These numbers are for orders only. For information, please call Adam Stein at 908-548-5107.
Operator will add $5 for shipping and handling to all orders.
Ordering by Email:
We can now accept email orders through America Online, Compuserve, and the Internet.
Just send your name, address, credit card information, and the names of the product(s) you’d like to order to:
America Online: AdamStein
Compuserve: 71140,2051
Shipping on INSTANT Area Code email orders is free! Add $5 per order (not per product) for all other products.
Ordering by Fax:
We welcome your fax orders 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Just fax your name, address, credit card information, and the names of the product(s) you’d like to order to 908-548-5107.
(You can also fax us a copy of the order form.)
Shipping on INSTANT Area Code fax orders is free! Add $5 per order (not per product) for all other products.
Insanely Great Software was founded in 1988 by myself (Adam Stein) while I was a freshman in high school. (I’m currently studying entrepreneurial management at the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania.) The name comes from Steve Jobs, who often called things he really liked “insanely great.” It’s also our motto—and our standard. We aim to make your experience with us one worthy of our name: from product quality to technical support.
We aim to bring you the advantages of a small company without sacrificing the professionalism of a large corporation. So you’ll be able to talk to me personally whenever you like (try talking to the President or author of large companies like Microsoft or Claris!), plus you'll be able to order by credit card 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, from our toll-free 800 order lines. (As well as fax, email, and regular mail!) And we ship within 24 hours, so that you won’t have to wait for your products any longer than necessary!
Please feel free to give me a call anytime, about INSTANT Area Code, Mac-dom in general, or even your latest stock picks! I enjoy speaking with other Mac users---so don’t hesitate to give me a ring!
Technical support is available to all users of the INSTANT Area Code at no charge. You may contact our technical support staff (i.e., the author!) if you have any problems with or questions about the INSTANT Area Code. Were also very open to suggestions for improvements to the program.
You can call the author direct at (908) 548-5107. Ask for Adam Stein and he’ll be glad to be of service. He still believes in old-fashioned service with a smile!